Second Union

Second Union

REVIEW: The History of Time Travel

In 2014 The History of Time Travel was released, a fictional documentary about the creation of the world’s first time machine, the government’s Indiana Project, the men who created it, and the unintended ramifications it had on world events. Created by Ricky Kennedy, then a student filmmaker at the Stephen F. Austin State University, this independent film was brought to my attention from a friend who said, “If you love time travel movies, this is one you might find amusing.” Presently streaming on Amazon Prime for free, this documentary is a novel approach by taking a few moments to clarify (and simplify) the various theories of time travel. From the multiverse theory to the paradox theory, every potential consequence of traveling through time is explored — all of which are featured prominently through the documentary through show and tell. 

This might be the most fascinating documentary I have seen in years.

“If you think Hitler with an atomic bomb is bad, imagine Stalin with a time machine.”

As questioned by author Kevin Ulrich in the documentary, “We experience time as we perceive it. But if time could be altered and was being altered, would we perceive that?” Apparently not so to the individuals who are portrayed in this documentary, adding to the fun.

Fans of the filmmaker play important roles as commentary throughout the documentary.

What made this documentary unique is the execution — as Dr. Richard Reenactor creates the breakthrough that allows him to travel through time, the repercussions are evident with subtle changes as the documentary progresses. The moon rock in the glass case is replaced with a historic newspaper, the scientific equations on the chalkboard have changed, and other unique twists and turns that are better left unrevealed for fear of spoilers. Basically, as time is being altered, so does the documentary itself. The History of Time Travel did not disappoint. If you have Amazon Prime, this 72-minute documentary comes recommended. Just keep your eyes and ears glued to the screen…

New footage is altered for the documentary to provide “historical footage.”

As the moral to the story reminds us, “The Indiana Project teaches us what is truly important about time, and that is making every second count.”

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