Marvel’s Spider-Man, is an upcoming animated action-adventure, science-fiction television series based on the Spider-Man comics created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. It is a reboot of the preceding Spider-Man television series, Ultimate Spider-Man. In the exciting first look at the new animated series, we see Spider-Man going back to his origins as a hero as Peter Parker discovers his powers and begins fighting crime in NYC!
Produced by Marvel Animation, the series’ award-winning creative team includes executive producers Alan Fine (“Marvel’s The Avengers,” “Iron Man,” “Thor”), Dan Buckley (“Marvel’s Avengers Assemble,” “Marvel’s Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H.”), Joe Quesada (“Marvel’s Avengers Assemble”) and Jeph Loeb (“Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”); co-executive producers Stan Lee (“Spider-Man”), Eric Radomski (“Spawn,” “Marvel’s Avengers Assemble”), Cort Lane (“Marvel’s Ultimate Spider-Man”) and Stephen Wacker (“Marvel’s Avengers Assemble”); supervising producers Kevin Shinick (“Marvel’s Avengers Assemble,” “Robot Chicken”) and Marsha Griffin (“Transformers Prime,” “The Life and Times of Juniper Lee”); consulting producers Dan Slott (“Spider-Man: Big Time,” “The Superior Spider-Man”), Kevin Burke and Chris “Doc” Wyatt (“Marvel’s Avengers Assemble,” “Marvel’s Ultimate Spider-Man”); and supervising director Philip Pignotti (“Marvel’s Avengers Assemble,” “Marvel’s Ultimate Spider-Man”).
Watch the first sneak peek now and look out for Marvel’s Spider-Man premiering this Summer on Disney XD.