Second Union

Second Union

RECAP: NETHERWORLD Haunted House 2017

For more than 20 years, Netherworld Haunted House, Atlanta’s Ultimate Haunted House, has been THE place to experience complex, adrenaline-driven frights. From the horrific characters that are animated in the parking lot to the witches that greet you at the entrance doors, there is always non-stop fun and entertainment! This year Netherworld showcased two new houses full of detail and Second Union was invited to get in on the action.


Photo Credit: Netherworld Haunted House

From the Netherworld site – “The Primordial Guardians have awakened to rip the evil from this earth with tooth, claw, thorn, stone, and bone! The green kingdoms raise the dead with parasitic fungi and attack with colossal tree monsters! Savage beast clans infect living humans with rabid form altering mutagens, as elementals of stone and bone smash anything in their way! Insects grow massive and horrifying things crawl forth from the seas! United in battle, the Earth howls a Primal Scream to crush its enemies once and for all!.”

Primal Scream showcases many different segments. Such as The Beastmen’s Rampage, The Fungus Corpses, The Tree Thing’s Maelstrom, The Cathedral of Bones, The Werewolve’s Wilderness, The Flesh Eating Flytrap, The Gruesome Grizzly, The Sunken Ship of Horrors, The Murder of Crows, The Lair of The Snake Woman, The Massive Celtic Beast Lord, The Cavern of the Insects, The Huntsman’s Bloody Prize, The Lord of Ryleh and the Primordial Guardians! A never-ending assault as nature’s revenge runs amok! Learn more about Primal Scream’s story here.

There are acrobatic performers and live statue actors. Moving floors and shaky drawers. Swirly, patterned rooms and claustrophobic spaces. It’s all the about the detail! And Primal Scream had it all.

Mr. Grendel’s 3D Funhouse of Horrors!

From the Netherworld site – “Please Don’t Feed the Clowns! Come one, come all to Mr. Grendel’s 3D Funhouse of Horrors! Put on your 3D Glasses and see crazy clowns, scary monsters, and weird aliens! If you are lucky, go backstage at the attraction where Mr. Grendel butchers and eats his victims! Some will even get to travel to the strange world that Mr. Grendel and his pals come from and never return! Truly a fun adventure for the whole family!”

It features segments such as the Bone Crusher, The Terror Tilt, Very Scary Tales, The Red Membrane Chasm, The Alien Invasion, Grendel’s Gore Zone, The Jaws of Doom, The Weird World, The Camo Creeps, The War of the Monsters, The Carnivorous Clowns, The Glow Maze, The Ripped in Half Guy, The Flying Jesters and The Colossal NETHERWORLD Devourer! A twisted clown fueled surreal nightmare sure to leave you laughing in fear! Learn more about Mr. Grendel’s 3D Funhouse of Horrors here.

Mr. Grendel’s 3D Funhouse of Horrors is so much fun! You’re greeted by clowns and pointed to the direction of a wacky 3-D adventure. So much bright, colorful, almost magical walls and floors. It is truly a crazy, gleefully horrific clown circus maze. But don’t let the smiles and smirks fool you, Mr. Grendel’s 3D Funhouse of Horrors is full of mesmerizing imagery and creepy sounds surely to stimulate the senses and make the hair on the back of the neck stand up.

It is not just haunted houses. There are free photo-op opportunities, food truck/concession, and a truly spectacular gift shop. Netherworld is open every night thru Halloween plus November 3, 4 & 5, so be sure to get your tickets here! It is a must attend attraction for all lovers of haunted houses.

We thank NETHERWORLD for inviting us to be frightened and entertained to the fullest. And if you want a taste of Netherworld not just during the Halloween season, why not check out their escape rooms. Escape the NETHERWORLD is a series of exciting and challenging adventure games brought to you by the team behind the world famous NETHERWORLD Haunted House! During each experience, you and your team will have one hour to explore mysterious rooms, solve clever puzzles and beat the game before your time runs out! There are 3 room themes: Haunted, Nosferatu and Sasquatch. Learn more about Escape the NETHERWORLD here.

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