In the wake of the premature death of the expansive arthouse streaming service FilmStruck, The Criterion Channel was born. The Criterion Channel boasts over one thousand classic and important films that are viewed by many filmmakers as essential viewing. Not only are these influential films available for your enjoyment on Apple Products, Andriod Products as well as Roku and Amazon Fire TV, it also has “thematic presentation”. This thematic presentation is what separates The Criterion Channel from the rest of the pack.
With some of the most popular streaming services you get the film, no more, no less; that’s not the case with The Criterion Channel. In the words of the service itself, they advertise “The Criterion Channel is more than just the movies. It’s spotlighted series on directors, stars, genres, and themes.” These entertaining and informative supplements give a whole new context to the films.

When looking for who to credit for the inception of The Criterion Channel look no further than the fans themselves. Even before FilmStruck officially closed their doors fans were distraught and decided to take action by creating a change.org petition in order to keep their beloved service alive. The fans’ wishes were answered in the form of The Criterion Channel only five short months later.

Hosting a plethora of hard to track, essential, and classic films with special features presented in a way no other service can provide The Criterion Channel is a paradise for anyone who finds film to be a safe haven. The content and sleek design make the price-point one hundred percent worth it in my eyes.

While The Criterion Collection is home to hundreds of films I haven’t seen yet it also proudly displays some of my absolute favorite films of all time. Here’s some brilliant cinema I’d highly recommend: Mulholland Drive (2001), Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (1985), Chungking Express (1994), Daises (1966), Persona (1966), and A Brighter Summer Day (1991).