Second Union

Second Union

5 Magnificent Moments from Southern-Fried Gaming Expo 2021

Southern-Fried Gaming Expo 2021 is in the books! While the circumstances surrounding the expo were anything but perfect, the organizers hosted an excellent event featuring more than 250 arcade & pinball machines, dozens of new and retro console systems, a massive tabletop library, RPGs, wrestling, music, tournaments, a vendor expo, exciting panel sessions, guest speakers, and so much more.

SFGE hosted a great time. Whether you were there or not, check out the amazing photos from the event and plan to make it to the next one! FRI JUL 15, 2022 – SUN JUL 17, 2022

So here are 5 Magnificent Moments from Southern-Fried Gaming Expo 2021 – in random order:

  1. The Arcade and Pinball Room

This year’s event had 250 arcade and pinball machines, plus dozens and dozens of console games.

2. ’80s Prom with Live Music!

SFGE continued their tradition of great live entertainment each night of the expo, and 2021 was packed with talent.

3. Wrestling

Not only were there arcades and tabletop, but there was also wrestling! Lots and lots of wrestling. There were 2 Nights of Atlanta Wrestling Entertainment (AWE) to enjoy.

4. Tabletop Gaming

In the tabletop gaming area, there were great selections of game companies, designers, demos, learn-to-play events, tournaments, and giveaways. Attendees got to meet favorite game designers and learn tips and tricks of the trade-in seminars.

5. HOTlanta Extreme Eating Challenge!

The Hotlanta Extreme Eating Challenge was…hot! The winner received $100 cash, a weekend membership for SFGE 2022, and a swag pack of SFGE merch. The contest consisted of eating progressively spicy peppers until only one person is left standing. And newly added this year for those challengers with a sweet tooth, who could eat the most Oreo cookies in only ONE MINUTE! 

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