This provocative and visually stunning cinematic series immerses the viewer in a world of vivid adult animation with a live-action edge. Set in Edo-period Japan, BLUE EYE SAMURAI follows Mizu (voiced by Maya Erskine), a mixed-race master of the sword who lives a life in disguise seeking the deliverance of revenge. TV-MA.
BLUE EYE SAMURAI is created by Amber Noizumi and Michael Green, who also serve as executive producers and writers. Erwin Stoff is executive producer. Jane Wu is supervising director and producer. Blue Spirit is the animation studio. Voice cast includes Maya Erskine (Mizu), George Takei (Seki), Masi Oka (Ringo), Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa (The Swordmaker), Brenda Song (Akemi), Darren Barnet (Taigen), Randall Park (Heiji Shindo), and Kenneth Branagh (Abijah Fowler). Supporting voice cast includes Stephanie Hsu (Ise), Ming-Na Wen (Madame Kaji), Harry Shum Jr. (Takayoshi) and Mark Dacascos (Chiaki), among others.
Only on Netflix November 3
Release Date: November 3, 2023
Episodes: 8 episodes x 30-60 minutes
Created by: Amber Noizumi & Michael Green
Supervising Director/Producer: Jane Wu
Executive Producers: Michael Green, Amber Noizumi, Erwin Stoff
Written by: Amber Noizumi & Michael Green (Episodes 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 108), Amber Noizumi
(Episode 105), Yana Bille-Chung (Episode 107)
Directed by: Jane Wu (Episodes 101, 108), Ryan O’Loughlin (Episodes 102, 104), Earl A. Hibbert &
Alan Wan (Episodes 103), Michael Green (Episode 105), Earl A. Hibbert & Sunny Sun (Episode 106),
Alan Taylor (Episode 107)
Cast: Maya Erskine (Mizu), George Takei (Seki), Masi Oka (Ringo), Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa (The
Swordmaker), Brenda Song (Akemi), Darren Barnet (Taigen), Randall Park (Heiji Shindo), and Kenneth
Branagh (Abijah Fowler)
Additional Voice Cast: Stephanie Hsu (Ise), Ming-Na Wen (Madame Kaji), Harry Shum Jr. (Takayoshi)
and Mark Dacascos (Chiaki), among others
Production Designer: Toby Wilson
Costume Designer: Suttirat Larlarb
Music by: Amie Doherty
Casting by: Margery Simkin, CSA & Orly Sitowitz, CSA
Stunt Director: Sunny Sun
Animation Director: Michael Greenholt
Animation Studio: Blue Spirit