With the emergence of streaming, television has changed greatly, but one of the mainstays that have stood the test of time is the anthology.

Hailing from the United Kingdom, Black Mirror has produced some of the most well executed and thought-provoking pieces of television in recent memory with such episodes as White Christmas and San Junipero. Episodes such as these grasp on tightly and refuse to let go, with their masterful use of suspense and intrigue.
Its ambitions don’t end at television, Black Mirror even went as far as to produce an interactive film experience. The pure existence of the concept adds a whole new layer of self-referentiality that is unparalleled in the mainstream.

Over six decades after the original series debuted, Jordan Peele has tackled the tremendous task of rebooting the timeless show, The Twilight Zone, with semi-success. It, much like Black Mirror, is extremely hit or miss; the episode quality is almost never consistent.
Black Mirror and The Twilight Zone are both filled to the brim with current social commentary; the scale of subtlety is what truly determines the quality of the episode. Using technologically advanced settings to tell human tales with morals.

While it’s too early in the progression of this new Twilight Zone series to say my preferability when compared to Black Mirror, their similarities are too similar to dismiss. With series like Black Mirror, the future of anthologies and science fiction seems bright for years to come.