Cobra Kai is an upcoming American comedy-drama web television series based on The Karate Kid film series created by Robert Mark Kamen.
Official Synopsis: Cobra Kai takes place thirty-four years after the original film and follows a down-and-out Johnny Lawrence, who seeks redemption by reopening the infamous Cobra Kai karate dojo, reigniting his rivalry with a now successful Daniel LaRusso, who has been struggling to maintain balance in his life without the guidance of his mentor, Mr. Miyagi. The show is about two men addressing past demons and present frustrations the only way they know how: through karate.
Created By: Jon Hurwitz, Hayden Schlossberg, and Josh Heald.
Starring: William Zabka and Ralph Macchio, reprising their roles from the films. Also, Courtney Henggeler as Amanda LaRusso, Xolo Maridueña as Miguel Diaz, Mary Mouser as Samantha LaRusso, and Tanner Buchanan as Robby Keene.
Release Date: It is set to premiere on YouTube Red on May 2, 2018.