Second Union

Second Union


“Elysia is, in many respects, a perfect society. But with all its virtues, it is not home. And home, with all its faults, is where we prefer to be.”

The Enterprise is in the Delta Triangle, a region of space where several starships have disappeared over the years. Almost immediately, they are attacked by Klingon warships. In the midst of the fight, the ship disappears as the crew suffers symptoms similar to vertigo. One of the Klingons ships also disappears. Spock theorizes this isn’t just a natural barrier, but a rip in the fabric of time. Derelict ships are seen on the ship’s viewscreen. Spock picks up life readings, which must mean the descendants of the original crew are occupying those ships.

Kirk is whisked off the bridge and Spock takes over. Kor, the Klingon captain is removed from his ship. The two are transported to a diverse tribunal of races ranging from Romulan to Orion to Tellarite. It seems these descendants have created Elysia, a perfect society of peace within what they call a “pocket in the garment of time.” They tell Kirk that because they could not escape, they quickly realized they must work together. It makes sense. They also tell Kirk and Kor that they can never leave.

Spock comes up with an indecipherable (to my eyes) equation that will enable escape, but it requires assistance from Kor. The Klingons tentatively agree, but Kor tells his subordinate he intends to destroy the Enterprise shortly after they escape the time continuum. This doesn’t seem particularly honorable for the Dahar Master. Meanwhile, the effects of the time trap are having an effect on Spock. He seems more emotional than usual. Spock gives no explanation but he tells Kirk the Klingons are going to sabotage the ship.

The Klingons construct a bomb roughly the size of a cold capsule that will disintegrate the Enterprise upon return to their side of the Delta Triangle. The Klingons create a distraction so the bomb can be delivered to the Enterprise. One of Elysia’s telepathic members, Magen, discovers the bomb on the Enterprise. They alert the ship. The bomb is ejected from the ship just as both ships return. The rushed ending is a little jarring in execution, but otherwise, this is a fairly tense, well-constructed episode that again borrows from other sources.

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