Official Synopsis: In “Incredibles 2,” Helen (voice of Holly Hunter) is called on to lead a campaign to bring Supers back, while Bob (voice of Craig T. Nelson) navigates the day-to-day heroics of “normal” life at home with Violet (voice of Sarah Vowell), Dash (voice of Huck Milner) and baby Jack-Jack—whose superpowers are about to be discovered. Their mission is derailed, however, when a new villain emerges with a brilliant and dangerous plot that threatens everything. But the Parrs don’t shy away from a challenge, especially with Frozone (voice of Samuel L. Jackson) by their side. That’s what makes this family so Incredible.
Directed By: Brad Bird
Starring: Holly Hunter (The Big Sick), Craig T. Nelson (The Incredibles), Samuel L. Jackson (Pulp Fiction).
Release Date: In US theaters June 15th, 2018.
Did You Know?
- The fourteen year gap between the first film and sequel is the longest waiting time between a Disney/Pixar film and it’s sequel (with Finding Dory (2016)’s thirteen year gap being the second longest, and Monsters University (2013) being the third longest with a twelve year gap, and Toy Story 3 (2010) being the fourth longest with an eleven year gap), the long waiting gap is likely a direct reference to the original film’s fifteen years later setting.
- The sequel will feature a different voice of Dash, being Huck Milner. The original Dash, ‘Spencer Fox’ is not in it as his voice deepened since the first film.