Second Union

Second Union

THE WALKING DEAD Season 8 Trailer Reveals “ALL OUT WAR”

Regardless of what you think about The Walking Dead, it’s hard to deny that they have always managed to do a great job in creating anticipation for its newest Season.

As mentioned earlier, during today’s panel at San Diego Comic Con, AMC streamed the exclusive first look at Season 8 in a massive 5-minute long trailer! In it were all of the characters from last time but this time in a much more militant fashion.

From what I can make out from this reveal, the residents of Alexandria, Hilltop, and The Kingdom have combined forces to take down the enigmatic force that is Negan and his villainous saviors. From the haunting monolog at the start to the short edits between characters gearing up to invade one of Negan’s camps, it looks as though the showrunners have taken the decision to finally create some mayhem. Special mention must also go to the blatant troll at the end of the trailer that I won’t ruin in this post. But trust me, if it this popular fan theory seems to be true, there will be a lot of frustrated people.

Having not read the comics I can only speculate as to what we may see in the coming weeks. However from what I can see on this trailer is that things are finally going to get serious for a lot of characters.

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