The Otaku Box hosts contest to give exposure to independent manga titles
JAPAN: GeekSmash is partnering with
The Otaku Box, an anime themed subscription crate with personalization, to announce a contest for manga creators. This contest gives a rare chance for independent artists to be featured in The Otaku Box’s monthly crate with physical or digital copies of their
titles. In addition, The Otaku Box will feature the creators’ works in their bi-weekly email, numbering in the tens of thousands.
Here are details of the contest:
- Manga needs to be in English
- Submissions can be in black-and-white or color
- Single issues or compilations/anthologies are both welcome
- Four winners will be selected
from Joe Delbridge, CEO of GeekSmash:
“Helping independent creators is at the core
of the Otaku Box’s values, which is why this contest is so important to them. Not only will the inclusion of manga add value for their subscribers, it gives a rare opportunity for deserving creators to have their works read by a large audience. Through sharing
the creators’ work with The Otaku Box subscribers, they’re introducing fun, new content that they may not have found otherwise and we’re all very excited about this project!”
an eye toward growth, but also toward increasing the value of their service, The Otaku Box is looking to the future with this initiative. Offering manga content by independent creators gives The Otaku Box a unique edge in the current subscription crate marketplace,
as they are the only service offering this unique blend of Japanese themed products for otakus worldwide.

The Otaku Box began as a dream to bring anime themed goodies to otakus around the world. Recognizing that there was a demand for these hard-to-come-by products that was not yet being met, The Otaku Box was born, utilizing the booming subscription crate model. By including personalization options, The Otaku Box has become a truly unique service. Always on the lookout for something new and fun to bring value to the brand and to subscribers, The Otaku Box is confident that their manga creator contest is a step in the right direction!
enter the contest, submit your information
via the Google Form at this address:
Otaku Box:
Founded in 2017, The Otaku Box is an anime and Japanese themed monthly
subscription box service that puts fans first. They’re also the only subscription crate service that offers ecchi and personalization where the fans can choose what’s in the box every month. The Otaku Box is committed to helping independent creators and sharing
quality products with otakus from all over the world. This is what makes The Otaku Box stand out as a company that cares about fans. To learn more, visit:
GeekSmash: Based in North Carolina, GeekSmash is a geek and pop culture marketing agency founded and run by geeks. Originally created in Santa Monica, California as a blog by the same name in 2012, GeekSmash has served as a growth resource for companies in the geek space since 2016. Since then, they’ve worked with dozens of top companies including Disney, MGM, BBC, and Sony Pictures. Today, GeekSmash specializes in influencer marketing, local representation, brand development, licensing, and design services. To learn more, visit: