Official Synopsis: When teens mysteriously develop powerful new abilities, they are declared a threat by the government and detained. Sixteen-year-old Ruby, one of the most powerful young people anyone has encountered, escapes her camp and joins a group of runaway teens seeking safe haven. Soon this newfound family realizes that, in a world in which the adults in power have betrayed them, running is not enough and they must wage a resistance, using their collective power to take back control of their future.
Founder, Creative Director and Editor in Chief.Jeff Andrews is an Oregon native. A graphic designer by trade, Jeff grew up on a healthy diet of 70’s and '80s pop culture: Star Trek, Star Wars, The Six Million Dollar Man, Shazam!, Batman, Super Friends, Knight Rider, and the like. He’s a collector of vintage comics, albums, cameras, board games, and other pop culture-related paraphernalia.
Official Synopsis: The Meg is an upcoming American science fiction action horror film directed by Jon Turteltaub and written by Dean Georgaris. In the film, a …