From the mind of Matt Groening comes Disenchantment, the adult animated comedy fantasy series that follows the medieval misadventures of hard-drinking young Princess Bean, her feisty elf companion Elfo and her personal demon Luci. Along the way, the oddball trio encounter ogres, mermaids, walruses, and lots of human fools all while uncovering the deeper mystery of Dreamland.
The excitement builds in Disenchantment Part 3 as Bean continues to grow into her power and own her destiny. As the fearless friends venture out to discover new worlds, they might just find there really is no place like home.
The series features the voice talents of Abbi Jacobson (“Bean”), Eric Andre (“Luci”) and Nat Faxon (“Elfo”) along with John DiMaggio, Billy West, Maurice LaMarche, Tress MacNeille, David Herman, Matt Berry, Jeny Batten, Rich Fulcher, Noel Fielding, and Lucy Montgomery.